Defining links for text

  1. Highlight the text you want to convert to a hyperlink.
  2. In the entity window, select the <a> tag for text.

    Tags for text have the AB icon to the left of the tag.


The tag is applied as shown by the underline.


  1. Click the linked text to show the attribute window for the <a> tag.


  1. Click the href field and enter #.
  2. In the onClick field, at a minimum enter the javascript window open command and the applicable URL. For example,'URL'). You can also include other specifications, like to control the height and width of the window.

  1. Click Preview.
  2. Test the hyperlink to make sure it opens as you intended.

See also: 

Editing text

Formatting text with var tag and TeX coding

Removing formatting

Setting attributes for XML elements

XML formatting tag and attributes